Some returns get rejected for minor errors that can be fixed. Save yourself some time and watch for these errors before you submit your return for the first time:

  • Your Self-Select PIN/AGI does not match the IRS's database. You need to enter the exact amount of the AGI of last year's return. If you don't recall what it is and you do not have access to last year’s tax return, you will need to contact the IRS to verify the exact amount.
  • Last name, birthday and social security number (SSN) do not match for taxpayer, spouse or dependents. If you believe you have entered the correct information, then you will need to contact the IRS to see what they have on file. If their information is incorrect, you can request correction through the Social Security Administration (SSA), then efile. You can also efile using the wrong information, and then request a correction through the SSA after your efile is accepted.
  • Dependent or taxpayer's SSN is already used in another return. For example, a divorced spouse may have claimed a dependent in his/her return already. Although the spouse may or may not be entitled to claim the dependent, your efile will not be accepted. If you still want to claim the dependent, you need to file by paper and let the IRS sort it out.